Metamorphose 4
13th - 27th November Curated by Eleanor Pearce Artists: Beverley Bennett, Katie Bracher, Ginette Fiandaca, Emma Harnett, Oliver Honeywill, Christopher Johns, Natasha Kiddle, Susannah King, Ariadne Kritonos, Suvi – Maria Salonen, Toni Pilgrim Ward, Polly Saunders, Zoe Sua Kay, Sarah Watts, Philip Weiner Islington Arts Factory is proud to present Metamorphose, the fourth in our successful exhibition series showcasing new work by emerging artists from the London art scene. Fifteen artists from Middlesex University’s Fine Art department will work intensively for 10 days using the IAF Galley as a project space. Metamorphose showcases the results of this developmental process and promises to give an enlightening window in to these artist’s methods and responses. They will have the opportunity to collaborate, experiment and re-contextualise their varied working practices. The exhibition will highlight the transformative processes that artists undertake at this pivotal stage in their career. Metamorphose offers theses artists the opportunity to create new work within the uniquely inspiring environment of a community arts centre. The project space will be open to the public who use the centre giving them the chance to engage with the artists during their creative process. The dialogues that evolve within this space will inform the working process, giving the artists the chance to test run ideas outside of the studio environment and the educational context. Join for the opening to celebrate their efforts and the creative transformations that have taken place. Metamorphose is generously supported by The Fenton Arts Trust.
Islington Arts Factory Exhibition Archive Categories
March 2024
Monday 10am–9:30pm
Tuesday 10am–9:30pm Wednesday 10am–9:30pm Thursday 10am–9:30pm Friday 10am–6pm Saturday 12–5:30pm Sunday Closed © COPYRIGHT 2015. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
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