Mixed Other
20th April - 11th May 2012 Artists: Alisha Duncanson, Amreen Khan, Anna-Marya Tompa, Imran MAtteo Perretta, Jamie Bradbury, Katarzyna Perlak, Monica Shanta Brown, Phillip Hall-Patch, Sara Dziadik, Ting-Ting Cheng Those ‘ethnic monitoring’ tick boxes we all fill in on forms are the inspiration for the title of this Exhibition. An ever-increasing number of us have been ticking the ambiguous and inadequate box 'Mixed-Other'. This groundbreaking exhibition at ‘Metamorphosis Gallery’ Islington Arts Factory presents work by a selection of 10 ‘mixed-other’ artists of mixed-heritage and mixed-ethnicities. They share with us how their multiple cultural identities uniquely shape their perceptions of the world in our current, and ever more globalized, society. They reveal the disjunction between their experiences of personal identity, and how others who tick less ambiguous boxes, identify them. The work describes the complexity of navigating varied mixed cultural and ethnic upbringings, and explores shared historical links to bridge these often antagonistic relationships. This rich and original collection of art presents the fruits of the cultural melting pot through the use of satire, metaphor, narrative, and ultimately the translation of each artists’ perspective.
Islington Arts Factory Exhibition Archive Categories
March 2024
Monday 10am–9:30pm
Tuesday 10am–9:30pm Wednesday 10am–9:30pm Thursday 10am–9:30pm Friday 10am–6pm Saturday 12–5:30pm Sunday Closed © COPYRIGHT 2015. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
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